Spring, we missed you!

Ah ,the joys of being finally outside in the beautiful sunshine, soaking up all the rays and breathing in the fresh spring air. 

This beautiful family has been trusting me with capturing them ever since little man was yet in Mommy's tummy and I must say it is such a great honour. It is such an honour seeing him grow. Love it how he calls me and says: "Bogi, look an airplane." And if I really think about it, it was just yesterday she contacted me with maternity photos.  


Support a Mom, a friend, someone you know!

I admit, I can maybe sew the bottom of a curtain or a napkin but thats how far my talent goes when it comes to sewing.

 Foluke, is the top of the top when it comes to designing and sewing. I have seen her work numerous times on  brides, on ladies ready for a night out and of course on herself. 

I found this quite fitting, so here I am reposting:

"So this got me thinking...💗
•Kylie Jenner releases a lip gloss, and people buy it.
•Michael Jordan puts out a new shoe, people buy it.
•Apple releases a new phone and people stand in line for it - at daybreak.
•Oprah promotes a weight loss program, everyone jumps on board.

A friend starts a new business, people are wary of buying and supporting them
Why are we so quick to support someone we don't know, who has plenty of money already. Yet we come up with a million reasons not to support someone we know and love and trust

When you support small businesses, you are helping that person: to pay thier mortgage, rent, buy food, have a phone & internet connection, pay thier bills and for them to have joy and happiness and well being as they so deserve to have, just like everybody else 💗

It takes a lot of effort for someone to strike up the COURAGE to leave behind the safety of a job and start their own business and then talk to people about it and to make it a success, not to mention the long hours and dedication & hustle from thier heart and soul 💗

So next time you see a friend posting about their business, either online or traditional, don't keep scrolling past, give them a quick like or a positive comment and share, you don't even have to buy the product! It really does help them to feel supported and encouraged and to keep going!"

Of course, feel free to contact her in case you need something gorgeous made! I guarantee, you will not be disappointed.




If I would need to describe myself in three words it would be: I.AM.A.REBEL....yep! right there, a rebel. I do not like to follow main stream, I do not do things because everyone else is doing it. And I definitely run my business differently, but that's another blog post.  

I have learned to fly and use my wings quite early on. Growing up as the youngest of nine  (6 brothers and 2 sisters) helped me to stand firm in my beliefs.  You see,  if you wanted to reach something, you sure had to make an effort.  My brothers always encouraged me to partake in everything they did. Being a girl was definitely no excuse for not being able to learn how to change the break pads on a 1978 Mercury Zephyr or changing the oil for that matter. I learned quite early on to do whatever I put my mind to. Period.

With this, I developed a very strong sense of belief. And there is not much persuasion you can do to make me waver. For instance, Sundays. No matter what your thought, opinion, or position is, Sunday for me is sacred. I go to church, hang out with friends and family. I read, look through my Pinterest, stare out the window, go for a hike with my boys, sip my beloved espresso and bake a cake or two (or maybe even three). I have my computer off and do not respond emails. I keep this day in order to rest. I rest in my faith. I rest in my family. And I rest in the beauty all around.

I do not think I need to emphasise the fact that this world is spinning way too fast. There are numerous studies showing the harm we obtain from all this multitasking. With the time, I learned that I need to stop and breath.  We all need this time to evaluate, look back, hope, plan, look forward and just simply shut off. Rest. Breath. 

So in case you ever wondered why I do not respond on Sundays, that is why. 


A little Germany

One of my favourite families I have been photographing for years! Love their energy, true love for each other and the way they interact. And the kids, let me tell you, I got some out of focus images since they kept cracking me up! Character alert! Oh my gosh are they funny!!! Love you guys!


Senior Portraits continue

I always enjoy getting to know these young women and young men as they come to our senior sessions. It is so amazing (and may I also say comforting) to see and know that there are still so many wonderful, talented, kind hearted, intelligent, smart and hard working youngsters out there ready to make a difference. Well, Kenneth, you are one of them. I wish you too all the best!


Senior Portraits 2018

I don't think I need to write much. I think you can just plainly see what an awesome guy Devin was during the photo session. He is definitely one with a wonderful character and an a very catchy smile :) Wish you all the best!


A new adventure begins

Oh My! the true joy and love, the anticipation and everything else that comes with expecting a child was absolutely written on their faces and on every single tiny blink they exchanged.

My dearest Megan and Andrew, I do wish you God's richest blessing on your life!!! Love you guys!


A day to remember

Congratulations to beautiful Mr. and Mrs. 


When Grandparents visit

How nice it is to be able to see and hug your Grandparents again! Living oceans apart has its beauty but also its hardships. But maybe the days, when families unite, are even more treasured.  These images are definitely there to tell stories for years to come.


New Arrival

Being blessed with a child is by far one of the most precious gifts one can receive in a lifetime. The first weeks are so amazing, their little feet and hands, their smell, how they snuggle and breath. Every movement and every sound is precious beyond compare. 
